Wednesday Morning Keynote: Is the security industry even solving our problems? If not, what can WE do about that?
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 9:00 AM
Allan Alford
More and more products are hitting the market promising to increase efficacy and decrease false positives.  Most of these products represent only incremental change to the status quo despite being labeled as “disruption”.  The reason for this charade is due largely to the business models upon which our industry is based.  Most of the so-called disruption comes from startups whose exit strategy more often than not is to be acquired by one of the existing big players in the industry.  Venture Capitalists back these companies, perceiving their value not in terms of whether or not they solve a problem, but whether or not they can look attractive to future buyers.
Another facet as to why the industry is not helping us is on us, the practitioners.  Rarely do we perform adequate or meaningful threat modeling or risk analysis.  Tools are purchased based on gut feel, on past experiences in other environments, or simply because “everyone has that kind of tool”.  With little regard given to risk, threat and maturity, we often find ourselves spending money that could prove more useful elsewhere.  And above all of this is the overarching fact that the un-sexy, un-glamorous security fundamentals are more critical to protecting our environment than the flash of our tech stack.
Location Name
Hall 2
Full Address
Palmer Events Center
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, Texas 78704
United States
Session Type