The Rise of the Humans
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Tony Hubbard
Cyber intelligent Automation and Machine Learning. Given the rise in complexity of data and technology, advanced adversary techniques, and an insufficient number of cyber professionals, increased cyber automation and machine learning capabilities are needed. The cyber industry we need to take more advantage of technology to continue transitioning from a reactive and signature-based approach to more of a proactive, behavioral-based, and predictive approach. Notable cyber elements that lend themselves well to automation include threat analysis, identity access management, vendor risk management, and network traffic/audit log analysis. But a critical element is that no matter what cyber automation is implemented, the machines will not replace our cyber professionals. Instead, the automation will complement our cyber teams to automate manual-oriented tasks, thus allowing cyber professionals to spend their time addressing more challenging tasks. From a government cyber perspective, automation doesn’t mean that agencies will reduce personnel, instead they can deploy their cyber professionals against more challenging and strategic tasks. Please join this session to obtain more insight into trends, capabilities, and use cases for the cyber automation realm.
Location Name
Room 4
Full Address
Palmer Events Center
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, Texas 78704
United States
Session Type