Beneath the Surface - Keeping Up with Modern Application Security
Date & Time
Monday, May 16, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Mike Wyatt

With constant technological innovation, it's more difficult than ever to keep up with a rapidly evolving landscape of web technologies and the threats that come with them. The ability to deploy applications keeps improving in both scale and speed while security considerations are often overlooked in favor of meeting business demands quickly. While organizations have started to consider integrating security in the development lifecycle, it is imperative to adopt a ‘secure by design’ principle. Further, security processes are often limited to tool based automated scanning and reporting - which are good at finding common vulnerabilities and weaknesses quickly across the enterprise applications. However, shifting the focus to include manual vulnerability analysis that involves framing cascaded test scenarios around critical assets helps identify business logic errors which are rarely revealed by automated scripts.  With the recent surge in Cloud adoption, enterprises are looking into ‘Cloud First’ strategy. With this technological innovation, the ability to deploy web applications in cloud keeps improving in both scale and speed while security considerations are often overlooked in favor of meeting business demands quickly. It has become imperative for organizations to update their application security program from traditional on-premise to cloud solution.   In this session, Deloitte’s Cyber Services specialist will discuss how organizations can benefit from tightly integrating security processes early on as cloud brings a new dimension to application security, to cater against the new threat landscape.


Location Name
Room 4
Full Address
Palmer Events Center
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78704
United States
Session Type