Over the last four years, I have driven the use of metrics in the work of my team, and this has resulted in huge, measurable improvements in the areas assigned to us, making drastic contributions to the security of TAMU Information resources. Using this experience and reviewing research and data from other sources, this presentation will discuss the use of metrics to drive performance improvements that contribute to entity mission and goals. We will discuss why metrics are important - how they help to drive improvement, helping us to shape our activities and focus our efforts towards contributing to the larger group goals. We will look at how to uncover specific metrics that will help us accomplish that, and how to implement those metrics. The implementation of metrics in any arena (e.g., HR, marketing, IT) follows common, well defined steps. The presentation will review those steps and use examples and a shared exercise to demonstrate how those steps work out in real life scenarios. The presentation will end with the participants laying out a single metric for their work. The participants will be given the opportunity to provide that metric to the presenter for follow up through the following year.
Session Objectives: Learn why metrics are important, how to discover metrics that will be relevant and productive, what are the steps to implementing metrics to drive improvement, and what is one metric I can implement to improve my performance or the performance of my team? In-session exercise included.
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78704
United States