Complexity Is the Enemy of Security: A Roadmap to Rightsizing
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
John Green

Many organizations have accumulated vast, complex networks of legacy systems containing vulnerabilities that were not considered when first deployed. Securing overloaded, complex infrastructure can stretch security teams thin, making it incredibly hard to effectively monitor all potential attack vectors. Additionally, the cross-system sprawl offers threat actors abundant opportunities for exploitation. Through comprehensive audits of device inventories, data flows, access controls, and risk assessments, we can systematically identify outdated, risky, and redundant systems for removal. Join us for this session in which we chart a course for unwinding accumulations of legacy technological complexity. 

Session Objectives:

  • Understand how to quantify reduced risk and lower attack surface metrics when keeping in mind how cross-system sprawl offers adversaries abundant opportunities for exploitation.
Location Name
Room 1
Full Address
Palmer Events Center
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78704
United States
Session Type