IACUC 101™/201: Plus program is 2 full days of didactic and interactive educational opportunities for both new and seasoned IACUC members, IACUC affiliates and others who contribute to their institution’s animal care and use program. The "Plus" portion of this 2-day program includes additional Occupational Health and Safety, Wildlife and Post Approval Monitoring modules, as well as updates from USDA and OLAW and a provocative and highly interactive faculty skit that will surely get the conversations flowing. Didactic sessions address institutional responsibilities, IACUC charges, relevant informational resources, animal welfare laws, regulations and policies, and best practices.

Students also are challenged to consider, deliberate, and develop action plans for a variety of potential IACUC scenarios. The course includes Q&A sessions with representatives from USDA and OLAW.

This highly interactive, advanced program provides multiple opportunities to engage in real life applications of the basic concepts with the goals of learning new approaches and gaining new perspectives for managing issues that many animal care and use programs face.

DAY 1: September 26

Historical & Current Perspectives

IACUC Key Components & Functions

Semiannual Program Review


Semiannual Inspections

Protocol Review

Scenario Shorts-Mock IACUC Deliberations

Scenario Responses with OLAW/USDA Representatives


DAY 2: September 27

Q&A with Panel & Faculty

Personnel Qualifications and Training

Occupational Health & Safety

Post Approval Monitoring

Faculty IACUC Skit

IACUC Skit Deliberation

Wildlife Issues

Scenario Shorts - Mock IACUC Deliberations

Scenario Deliberations with OLAW/USDA Representatives

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Breakfast7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
IACUC 101/201 Plus8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Lunch11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Breakfast7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
IACUC 101/201 Plus8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Lunch11:30 AM - 12:30 PM