Mike Wyatt - Deloitte
Jeremy Wilson - Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)

DIR selected Angelo State University (ASU) to establish the state’s pilot Regional Security Operations Center (RSOC) to elevate the cyber capability in the West Texas region, provide real time threat detection, monitoring and response to government organizations. ASU partnered with Deloitte to enable and deliver a 24x7 managed security operations for the region’s local governments and education customers and elevate the regional cybersecurity community of practice among government organizations. ASU accelerated the time to market by using a fully SaaS SOC platform using industry leading products, that provides a single pane of glass that protects and monitors our customers assets and security events. Our integrated SaaS platform allowed us to optimize our customers Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of security technology to a standardized model that is managed and operated by ASU. Through RSOC, ASU provided a unique internship program for our students to collaborate and work with customers, DIR, and our vendor partners. This internship provided our students real world SOC experience. ASU used this opportunity to enhance our cyber curriculum to include specific trainings to support the internship program.
Session Objectives: Learn how to grow and retain cyber talent for “Texas by Texans”, benefits of Public / Private / Academic collaboration for Cybersecurity, and hear lessons learned in establishing a Regional SOC.
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78704
United States