Many local and state government organizations struggle with gaining the edge in their cybersecurity daily operations. They may be stuck in a never-ending firefighting mode, hardly getting ahead. How can they possibly gain the edge when it is notoriously hard to hire the top talent into the government pay brackets? Join one of the top industry security professionals and a GIAC Security Expert (GSE #296) Petr, an 18-year state-employee veteran, as he discusses how to address this challenge, with relatively simple solutions that just require a bit of introspection, a slight mindset adjustment, and unleashing the talent that may already be present on your own team. The intended audience is both the worker bees and managers alike and does not require any prior technical knowledge.
Session Objectives: Learn how to unleash the inner GSEs you may already have on staff, change the management's mindset on achieving the next level, and hear affordable ideas to gaining the edge in your cybersecurity program.
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78704
United States