Less than 3% of security spending is focused on the human layer; but more than 85% of breaches are traced back to humans. Use of the word “security culture” has steadily increased over the last few years as organizations battle the persistent, often daily stream of cyber threats. Security leaders and agency executives are finally recognizing that it is time to pay attention to a long-neglected layer within their security stack: the human layer. For as long as cybersecurity has been in existence, organizations have fallen into the trap of equating security awareness efforts with behavior change and calling it a day. Creating an effective human defense layer requires embracing the ABCs of cybersecurity: Awareness, Behavior, and Culture. This sounds easy in theory, but the reality is people throw around the phrase “security culture” without knowing what it means. Herein lies the dilemma: security culture becomes a unicorn – people swear it exists but cannot prove it.
Session Objectives: In this session, leaders looking to build their human layer of defense will learn how to build a true security culture quickly and effectively in three parts: 1. Foundation: It’s all about building a foundational understanding of why security culture is a critical “got to pay attention to it” topic. 2. Exploration: We focus on what right looks like and 3: Transformation: Leaders learn how to create a security culture framework.
900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78704
United States